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Looking at China: "Aerial" seedling cultivation helps spring plowing

  The huge circular movable tray slowly transports the green seedlings from "the ground" to "the air". The sprinkler sprays water spray from time to time to moisturize the green seedlings. This is a scene full of freshness and technology that took place in the production workshop of the Digital Smart Rice Cultivation Center in Yuzhu Village, Luojiang Town, Yudu County, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province, China.

  Jiangxi is a traditional agricultural province in China with a long history of growing crops since ancient times. March 5th is the "Jingzhe" (Insects Awaken) in the traditional Chinese lunar calendar. From this day on, farmers across the country will start farming in the new year.

  In the traditional Chinese saying, "The quality of the seedlings directly affects the harvest of that year." In the past, farmers would sow grain seeds in plowed fields during the spring sowing and wait for them to sprout and grow. As advanced technology continues to be applied to agricultural production, people have established modern seedling cultivation centers to intensively cultivate seedlings in high-standard glass greenhouses, using electric seeding assembly lines, the equipment integrated water and fertilizer, control systems of Internet of Things and advanced circular movable seedling beds. The whole process of production is standardized in soaking seeds, germination, breeding to achieve industrialized and intelligent production of rice seedlings. By using tridimensional multi-layer cyclic movable seedling cultivation, the land utilization rate is 42 times that of traditional seedling cultivation, and the seedling cultivation cycle can be shortened by at least 5 days. The cultivated seedlings are not only neat and beautiful, with well-developed roots, but also reduce pests and diseases.

  The application of science and technology is inseparable from the guarantee of electricity. Yudu County Power Supply Company of State Grid immediately organizes staffs to survey electricity consumption, introduce electricity policies, examine, and give other electricity services to provide strong power supply guarantee to expand and ensure safe production for the seedling cultivation center. (Liu Yiqun  Wang Yong)

