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Foreign Youth Meets Chinese Painting and Calligraphy

  Maria and Senna from Morocco, Geda and Daniel from Ethiopia, Ollie and Abel from Zimbabwe, Kate from Russia and Jingyang from Nepal, they were mesmerized by Chinese painting and calligraphy and  put their feelings into environmental painting, dissolving love in brush and ink, following painters Chen Congjing, Shi Jun and calligrapher Xiong Feng, to evaluate high sincerity of family and country, pride and emotion in calligraphy and painting  transcend both words and paintings. 'Ten Thousand Leagues of Mountains and Rivers', pioneering the verdant landscape painting style, 'Riverside Painting', which depicts mountain landscapes without the use of color, and 'Picture of a Hundred Birds', ' The Preface to the Orchid Pavilion Collection,' in which the graceful expressions of hundreds of birds fly like clouds and amaze them,' astounded them, and a number of calligraphers and illustrators. Famous modernist artists brought them into the  world of living art, in every gesture, they followed famous calligraphers and painters, appreciating their paintings. Chinese painting, black and white,  square inches, galloping freely and beautifully art has no borders, but culture has consensus。(南昌航空大學(xué) 謝華)

